Fr Julian Davies
St Augustine's Church
- Hoddesdon parish was founded in 1932. Where the clock tower now stands there was once a small Catholic chapel dedicated to St. Catherine.
- It was founded in 1932 when, the Canons Regular of St Augustine moved into Hoddesdon.
- The Archdiocese of Westminster took over the parish when the Augustinian canons left in 1958.
- The new St Augustine Church was opened in 1962.
Father Julian Davies is the parish priest of St Augustine’s Church.
In the short time that he has taken over he has already made a considerable difference within the community, working tirelessly for his parishoners. He is also one of our school governors. Our partnership with Father Neil is integral to the children's understanding of our faith and the litrugical year. He is also one of our school governors. Our partnership with Father Julian is integral to the children's understanding of our faith and the litrugical year.
The whole school walks to mass on Holy Days of Obligation. The children are also given the opportuntiy to read and altar serve at these masses.
During both Lent and Advent, children in Years 4-6 are invited to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Father Julian.
Father Julian makes regular visits to St Cross Primary School enriching the Catholic teachings within the school and the classroom, supporting children with their RE learning and the litrgical life of the school. He is our Religious Education Link Governor.
For further information about the Parish church you can visit the website at:
Sunday: (Saturday Vigils: 4pm (Italian); 6.30pm), Sunday 9.15am; 11.15am
Holydays of Obligation (other than Christmas Day): 9.15am (usually with Primary schools); 2pm; 4pm (Italian); 8pm.
Weekdays: Monday to Wednesday 9.15am (8.15am Adoration; 9am Morning Prayer); Thursday as announced; Friday 12 noon (11am Adoration & Benediction); Sat 10am (9.30am Adoration).
Confessions: Saturday 10.30-11am and 5.30-6.15pm; Sunday 8.30-9am; or ask the priests at any time.
See the Parish Newsletter (‘The Announcer’) online for more details, and to check for any minor alterations to the schedule.