Transition to Reception
The move to and from our School
We understand that starting a new school is a significant experience for any child. We try to make sure that the transition both in and out of school is as smooth an experience as it can be.
- Transition from Nursery into Reception
- Transition from Year 6 into secondary school
Transition into Reception:
Moving from a nursery or the home setting into school can be a very emotional step for your child. Whilst every child is very individual we have established a transition process that we believe all the children that start school benefit from.
Nursery Visit
Teachers will also make a visit to the child in their nursery setting should they be attending nursery. This helps build the bond with the teacher and ensures that familiarity is established.
There is a reception link on the website that shows in detail our classroom setting, so that you can go online with your child and share with them the setting both inside and outside of the classroom.
Parent MeetingParents are invited to a parents evening meeting which will be an opportunity to receive information and ask questions. At the parents meeting the class teacher will go through the curriculum topics that your child will be learning and explain in a little more detail about what your child will be doing at school. The friends encourage having a link parent for each class to compile and share a parents contact list. At St Cross Catholic School there is a very strong presence of a community and when you join the school you and your child become a part of our family. We all work hard together to support and facilitate the best all round education that our children can have. At St Cross School we welcome parents and extended family as helpers in school. We feel that the help you can provide as an extra adult in the classroom is beneficial to all of the children in that class. It will also give you a chance to understand how school works and hopefully enjoy it too.
Welcome Pack
We have also designed a welcome pack which includes all sorts of details and forms that need to be read and signed before your child starts school.
Welcoming Environment
Most importantly we make your child feel as welcome and as special as possible so that whilst they are in school they have a happy and positive experience.
School Buddy
Each child in Reception has assigned to him or her a Year 6 buddy who will support and play with your child at lunch times and play times. This has been a very successful programme and the children build firm friendships with their buddies. The buddies may also help throughout the year with other things and they send each other cards etc.
We are always interested to hear feed back from parents and annually the Governors send out a questionnaire to parents. If you have any feedback, please take this opportunity to comment in the Governor questionnaire.
School List:
Please find below a list of the establishments that our children come from and go to:
Nursery/ Pre school establishments:
St Augustine's Catholic Nursery
Rye Park Nursery School
St Paul's Catholic Nursery (Cheshunt)
Brookland Infant and Nursery
Broxbourne C of E Nursery
Cranbourne Nursery (Hoddesdon)
This list is not an exhaustive list for more details about pre school and nusery settings in the area please refer to the Herts website (