Information for Year 5 Parents
Welcome to Year 5!
Classroom members of staff - Mrs Ciftci, Year 5 Teacher
Mrs Clark and Mrs Bowen, Year 5 Teaching Assistants
General Information
I have planned an exciting year ahead and I will support you this year in becoming more independent learners providing you with the necessary skills to reach your full potential by the end of the year. You will have a clear understanding of the behaviour and learning expectations at St Cross and I will actively ensure that these are upheld throughout Year 5. I firmly believe that when you have a clear understanding of what is expected in class and the high expectations I have for your achievement, you will be able to flourish. I have planned six very exciting topics that will engage you and allow you to apply newly learnt skills in different subjects.
Autumn Term 1 - Swimming.
Please ensure that your child brings their full swimming kit into school on Monday.
Swimming kit:
Swimming costume/trunks
Swimming hat
From Autumn Term 2, please make sure your child wears their PE kit to school on Wednesday and Thursday.
Indoor and outdoor PE kit: Navy shorts, blue T-Shirt and plimsolls, school tracksuit or navy tracksuit bottoms/school jumper and trainers.
All homework is in line with our Whole School Homework Policy and is consistent throughout the school.
Please help your child by ensuring that they read for at least 20 minutes each night and log this on the Go Read (Boom Reader) app. In Year 5, they may read independently some evenings, however they should be listened to by an adult. Your involvement is invaluable for supporting your child’s development. In order for the children to gain the most out of reading, ask them comprehension questions about the text they are reading, check their understanding and help them to develop a love of reading.
The children will bring home 15 spellings every Friday which can be found on the Year 5 page of the school website. These will sometimes follow a spelling pattern or will be taken from the required list from Year 5/6. They will be tested every Thursday. Please ensure that the children practise their spellings throughout the week in preparation for their spelling test.
Please complete 20 minutes of Times Table Rockstars 4 times per week. Also complete the MyMaths tasks weekly. If you would like to set your child additional tasks, please see the attached maths homework information sheet: Bank of Home Learning Resources for Mathematics and the signpost.
I hope you find the information in this document useful to help you support your child at home this coming year.
Mrs Ciftci