Information For Year 2 Parents
Please support your child’s reading by reading with them every night and adding comments to the Boom Reader App. It is also important to check your child’s comprehension by making predictions about the story together and asking them questions about what has happened, including ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions to encourage them to have a deeper understanding of the text.
A spelling test will take place every Thursday. The test will take place in their English book and new spellings will be available in the Signpost document every Friday.
Other Homework
Times Table Rock Stars
Mathseeds task set weekly on a Friday.
RE at the end of every half term.
PE will take place every Monday and Thursday so please make sure your child comes to school wearing their P.E kit on that day (including trainers or plimsolls). A pair of of sports shoes should also be left at school.
Please also ensure that all items of clothing have been named – including ties, shirts, trousers and pinafores. Please note that skirts are not permitted in Key Stage One.
We endeavour to organise outings or outreach sessions to enrich the learning in school. This year we have exciting opportunities planned for learning about local history with a trip to Lowewood Museum and a History day for the Great Fire of London.
The children will also take part in the Lego Engineering incentive organised by Hoddesdon Library in the Summer Term (free of charge).
Other Tips for Parents
Talk to the teacher and let them know if anything happens out of the normal routine
Discuss children's reading preferences, what they liked or disliked within their reading book
Talk about the story characters
Talk to your child about what they do in school
Helpful hints for making reading an enjoyable experience.
Choose a time when you can be relaxed and give your undivided attention.
Praise what your child can do - build confidence at every opportunity.
Make it enjoyable for both of you - enjoy the book, it's not just about getting the word right. Even if you think the text is too easy, talk about the story line or characters or find words with letter patterns in them.
Choose a time in the day when your child is receptive.
Encourage your child to concentrate on the meaning of what they are reading and to make a sensible guess at an unknown word.
Remember, this does not have to be reading your child's reading book - they could read newspapers, magazines, recipe books, letters, joke books, invitations, instructions for games and models, reading related to computer games, reference books ...
If your child is a confident, fluent reader they still need to read aloud to help them develop expression and use punctuation correctly. They will benefit from talking about the book - forming opinions, summarising, guessing what might happen next. They also need to be encouraged to read different kinds of texts.