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St. Cross Catholic

Primary School

Together we grow in God’s love

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Together we grow in God’s love


The Year 5 Learner


Working mathematically


By the end of year 5, children will apply their mathematical experiences to explore ideas and raise relevant questions, constructing complex explanations and reasoned arguments. They will be able to solve a wide variety of complex problems which require sustained concentration and demand efficient written and mental methods of calculations. These will include problems relating to fractions, scaling (times as many), converting between units of measure and employ all four operations (+, -, x, ÷).




·        Counting and understanding numbers


Children extend and apply their knowledge of place value for numbers up to one million, rounding, estimating and comparing them (including decimals and negative numbers) in a variety of situations. They are introduced to powers of ten and are able to count forwards or backwards from any number (for example, -50, -5… 5, 50, 500, 5000...). Through investigations, they will discover special numbers including factors, primes, square and cube numbers.


·         Calculating


Children will be fluent in a wide range of mental calculation strategies for all operations and will select the most appropriate method dependent on the calculation. They apply their knowledge of place value fluently to multiply and divide numbers (including decimals) by 10, 100 and 1000. When mental methods are not appropriate, they use formal written methods of addition and subtraction accurately. They continue to develop their understanding of the formal methods through hands-on resources and use their known facts within long multiplication (up to 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers e.g. 2345 x 68) and short division (up to 4 digit numbers by 1 digit number e.g. 2345 ÷ 7) which may result in remainders. They solve multi-step problems in meaningful contexts and decide which operations to use.


·         Fractions including decimals and percentages


Children secure their strong understanding that fractions express a proportion of amounts and quantities (such as measurements), shapes and other visual representations. Children extend their knowledge and understanding of the connections between fractions and decimals to also include percentages. They will be able to derive simple equivalences (e.g.  67% = 67/100 = 0.67) and recall percentage and decimal equivalents for ½, ¼, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5 and fractions with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25 (e.g. 25% = 25/100).

They order, add and subtract fractions, including mixed numbers and those whose denominators are multiples of the same number, for example  +  =  +  =  = . Using apparatus, images and models, they multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers. Children continue to develop their understanding of fractions as numbers, measures and operators by finding fractions of numbers and quantities in real life situations.




Through a wide variety of practical experiences and hands-on resources, children extend their understanding of measurement. They convert larger to smaller related units of measure and vice-versa including length, capacity, weight, time and money.  Children will convert between imperial (such as inches, pints, miles) and metric units (such as centimetres, litres, kilometres). Children will measure, calculate and solve problems involving perimeter of straight-sided, right-angled shapes (rectilinear) and learn to express this algebraically such as, 4 + 2b = 20. They find and measure the area of these shapes with increasing accuracy. They begin to estimate volume.




Children will measure, identify and draw angles in degrees, developing a strong understanding of acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles. They use this knowledge to find missing angles and lengths in a variety of situations, including at a point, on a straight line and within a shape. Children will move (translate), reflect shapes and describe their new positions.  Language will be used with increasing sophistication to compare and classify shapes based on their properties and size. They will be able to visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D diagrams. They will use their understanding or shapes to solve problems.




Children will complete, read and solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in graphs, charts and tables, including timetables. They begin to decide which representations of data are the most appropriate and are able to justify their reasons.
