Welcome to St. Cross Catholic Primary School
a member of
St. Francis of Assissi Catholic Academy Trust
On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I offer you a warm welcome to St Cross Catholic Primary School, a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Trust.
I hope you will find our website clear and informative as it is designed to give you a flavour of the vibrant life at our school, the work of our pupils and the quality of education we deliver!
As a Catholic school, we provide all of our children with the opportunity to grow as young people and encourage and support them in developing a closer relationship with God. We believe that ‘each person is a unique creation of God and we therefore respect and care for their individual needs'.
With our close link to St Augustine’s Catholic Church, we work together to ensure that every child leaves as a representative of Jesus, understanding love and forgiveness, with the guidance of the gospel and our mission statement: ‘Together we grow in God’s love’.
Our partnership schools are growing: we are proud to be part of the Academy Trust and wholeheartedly support their vision – eight schools learning together, making the difference. Please visit our the Trust website at www.stfrancistrust.net
If you require any further information or you would like your child to join our school, please make an appointment to come and see our school in action.
I look forward to meeting you.
Joanne Walsh
Executive Headteacher