Religious Education
Pupil Voice - Religious Education
" I love doing RE, best subject ever. I like it because the school takes it as very important and this is where our life comes from." Year 5
" If we didn't do RE we wouldn't know about God, how to love each other." Year 5
” I enjoy RE because we do lots of drama and learn about God and the bible. “ Year 4
“ I like it when we do art pieces, it inspires me to believe in Jesus. It makes me calm.” Year 4
”RE is like when you go to church, it makes me happy.” Year 4
” In RE we learn about Christ and how he fulfilled his mission.” Year 6
” In RE we talk about how Mary said 'Yes' to God' Year 2
" We learnt that Mary let go all of her plans in life, so that she could have Jesus." Year 3
" We did about the Advent wreath, it has an everlasting circle of everlasting life.... we learnt the song ' When is he coming." Year 3
" We learnt about Birthdays, we had food, cake, presents and drinks. We were getting ready for Jesus' birthday. In our crib we had baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, stars, an angel, three kings and shepherds."
" When baptised you wear white and special prayer water is poured over your head and they say, " I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." Reception