Covid-19/Remote Learning
Remote Learning Policy
One of the reasons that, as a school, we chose Microsoft TEAMs is because it allows teaching staff to quickly identify which children have “viewed” the work and which children have “turned in” the work so that teachers can mark the work effectively to allow them to plan the next steps of learning from their assessments of the work. The TEAMs platform is monitored continuously and we can quickly identify where issues may arise.
The Headteacher will make the calls to families based on an assessment of need to ensure that any issues are addressed. Our parents and carers also have access to the year group email through which they can contact their child’s teacher so, with all of these methods in place, we hope to facilitate an ongoing dialogue as to what difficulties and successes the children are having.
Our teaching staff are able to check every piece of work set and by triangulating all the information that they have they can quickly assess the levels of engagement. The lack of engagement could be that the children have completed the work but not “turned it in”, or that they have “viewed” it but not started it or chosen to not complete it. Whichever is the case, this will be quickly identified and steps taken to make immediate contact with families to look at solutions to resolve and address concerns.