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St. Cross Catholic

Primary School

Together we grow in God’s love

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Together we grow in God’s love


We are bombarded from an early age with noise, stimulus and messages to keep busy.


Psalm 19 says, ‘ May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.’


Through the teaching of Christian Meditation, St. Cross School aims to provide our children, parents and staff with a space for stillness, and silence and simplicity.


We teach Christian Meditation - Maranatha (O Lord come!) to children throughout the school, from Early Years to Year 6, and is practised daily.


Christian Meditation does not replace Religious Education or other forms of prayer. It is one of the forms of prayer our children learn. When children start in Reception, they begin with 1 minute and work up to their chronological age, e.g. Early Years = 1 minutes, with Year 6 = 6 minutes.


The daily practice of Christian Meditation at St. Cross School aims to help children, parents and staff to ‘embrace joy, inspire hope, cultivate love, build intimacy and celebrate life.’

Pupil Voice- Meditation


" I like Meditation "  Reception

" After lunch we meditate to calm ourselves down, to have some time with God." Year 5

" Maranatha  means 'Come Lord Jesus come.'  Year 2

" We meditate after lunch, we put our heads on the table, we say 'maranatha- Come Lord Jesus ' meditation relaxes you, helps you prepare for our lesson and gives us a quiet time to be with Jesus."  Year 6

" After playtime we sit down, cross our legs, we hear the music, we say maranatha- come Lord Jesus come. We hear the dings and when it does three we have to be super quiet for one minute."  Year 1
